Pregnancy, Childbirth
& High Risk Pregnancy

Best International Women Health Services 

Pregnancy, Childbirth & High Risk Pregnancy

Maternal and high risk pregnancy Maternal / Fetal services at our center provides families with a single integrated program for the complete continuum of care that may be required in high – risk pregnancies . 

The focus of our service is early detection and treatment in order to allow for the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby .

before married

  • Ultrasound imaging of the uterus and ovaries
  • Fertility analysis
  • Treatment of cysts

Pregnancy and childbirth

  • Preconceptional counseling
  • Genetic counseling
  • First trimester risk assessment for Downs syndrome
  • Prenatal consultation and diagnosis
  • Pregnancy management
  • High risk Pregnancy management
  • Obstetric management of the complicated pregnancy ( high risk pregnancy )
  • Advanced prenatal diagnostic procedures :
  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorion  villus sampling (CVS )
  • Fetal blood sampling (Cordocentesis)
  • Targeted sonography ( Detailed anatomical scan genetic ultrasound , nuchal translucency)
  • Advanced fetal evaluations (Biophysical profile, Duplex Doppler, Color Flow Doppler, Non Stress Test
  • Fetal Echocardiography
  • Multifetal pregnancy reduction
  • Delivery and postnatal care
  • Consultation for postpartum complication

Your journey to build a family


Pre-marital counseling and evaluation

It is necessary to be assured of reproductive health before marriage, and this is done by debating the situation and treating any precursors to delayed pregnancy. Pre-marital examinations do not include laboratory tests only but must also include psychological counselling for the spouses.
As for the laboratory tests before marriage that must be conducted before marriage, Marriage is divided into three main sections:


High-Risk Pregnancy and Antenatal Care

Hypertension in pregnancy means high BP. High blood pressure that develops during pregnancy is called pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). Some women have high BP prior to conceiving, this is called chronic hypertension. Women with chronic hypertension may already be taking medications when they become pregnant and may develop a superimposed PIH later in their pregnancies.

About 1 in 10 pregnant women has problems with high blood pressure.

About 1 in 20 pregnant women has pre-existing high blood pressure.

– Monitoring a pregnancy after infertility treatment

– Whenever a couple, after a few months or years of treatment for infertility, becomes pregnant, it is a moment of great joy. But with that happiness, there is apprehension too. Many questions pop up in their minds. The only treatment for this is proper and systematic monitoring with periodic counselling and assurance.

– Monitoring includes blood tests and solography, regular examinations, and some alterations in medications. Here is a brief account of how we monitor our pregnancies. For simplicity purpose let’s divide the pregnancy into three parts: the first trimester (first three months), the second trimester (middle three months), and the third or last trimester (last three months).


Recurrent Pregnancy Loss / Recurrent Miscarriages / Recurrent Abortions

Miscarriage is one of the most devastating experiences that can happen to a woman. Having one miscarriage is, sadly, not that uncommon. Approximately two out of every ten pregnancies will result in miscarriage. Most women go on to have healthy pregnancies after having one miscarriage
Still, there are a few women that will continue to have two, three, or more miscarriages. Women are considered to have recurrent miscarriages when they have two or more miscarriages in a row. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, only about one percent of women will have three consecutive miscarriages or more.

It is a vexing clinical problem, and the cause is often unexplained. The treatment options are variable, ranging from masterly inactivity to aggressive management. The psychological implications of recurrent pregnancy loss or abortions are tremendous. A multidisciplinary approach, involving gynecology, genetics, endocrinology, and immunology, is mostly required.


Caesarean Childbirth

Cesarean delivery (C-section) is used to deliver a baby through surgical incisions made in the abdomen and uterus.
Planning for a C-section might be necessary if there are certain pregnancy complications. Women who have had a C-section might have another C-section. Often, however, the need for a first-time C-section isn' clear until after labor starts.

Why it’s done health care providers might recommend a C-section if:

– Labor isn’t progressing normally.
– Issues with prolonged dilation or opening of the cervix or prolonged time of pushing after complete cervical dilation.
– The baby is in distress. Concern about changes in a baby’s heartbeat.
– The baby is in an unusual position.
– You’re carrying more than one baby. A C-section might be needed for women carrying twins, triplets or more.
-There’s a problem with the placenta previa.
-Prolapsed umbilical cord

There’s a health concern, such as

1- a heart or brain condition.

2-There’s a blockage.

3-A large fibroid blocking the birth canal.

4- A pelvic fracture or a baby who has a condition that can cause the head to be unusually large

5-You’ve had a previous C-section or other surgery on the uterus. Although it’s often possible to have a vaginal birth after a C-section, a health care provider might recommend a repeat C-section.

6-Some women request C-sections with their first babies. They might want to avoid labor or the possible complications of vaginal birth. Or they might want to plan the time of delivery.


Natural childbirth without pain

Painless childbirth or epidural anesthesia is a method of passing small amounts of anesthetic into the spine through a catheter, in order to numb the lower part of the body. This method helps eliminate pain during childbirth.
Performed through epidural anesthesia by injecting the epidural area and the pain during childbirth is eliminated from labor to the birth of the child. This type of anesthesia is based on cancelling the sensation of pain only but not the nerves responsible for the different movements of the woman, so she appears to be fully conscious and in control of her body, but she loses the sense of anything.

Epidural anesthesia can be performed at any time during childbirth. However, some doctors wait until the cervix dilates to 4 centimeters and until the uterine muscle contraction strengthens. Doctors also prefer not to perform epidural anesthesia if the cervix is more than 7 centimeters dilated, as the birth of the baby will be too quick for the epidural catheter to be installed. The amount of anesthetic will be reduced at the end of the birth process to help you push effectively. The anesthesia process continues until the placenta is expelled.

Advantages of giving birth without pain

Epidural injection is a very safe procedure that can significantly reduce pain or even stop it completely compared to other types of painkillers or anesthetic drugs.



Pregnancy follow-ups from the first months until birth

Natural pregnancy and pregnancy after ICSI​

If the pregnancy is normal and the home pregnancy test is positive, a digital pregnancy hormone test can be done using the blood to confirm the validity of the pregnancy test. Visit us to get an ultrasound image, as the gestational sac appears within 4-6 weeks from the date of the last menstrual period, so it is preferable to visit us. After 6 weeks from the date of the last menstrual period, that is, approximately one week after.

If the pregnancy was the result of an IVF procedure, do a digital pregnancy test at the specified time, approximately 14 days after the embryo implantation process.

We will begin the crisis analysis and follow up on your pregnancy safely until delivery

Advantages of giving birth without pain

Epidural injection is a very safe procedure that can significantly reduce pain or even stop it completely compared to other types of painkillers or anesthetic drugs.

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