Infertility Treatment
We share your Familly dreams

Infertility Treatment
Where family bonding begins
How to choose an infertility clinic?
It is important to choose a reputed and established infertility treatment clinic that takes great pride in high success rates. The selection of a good infertility clinic should depend on the easy and quick availability of advanced medical facilities, state-of-the-art technology, and insightful testing regimes. Moreover, the infertility clinic should have a strong work ethic approach so that patients opting for IVF or other infertility treatment procedures are prescribed only those procedures and tests that are actually necessary.
The clinic should have teams of medical professionals at every level (infertility treatment specialist, infertility doctor, embryologist, nurses, lab technicians, and other support staff). Moreover, patients should find it easy to reach their doctor at all possible times, especially in cases of emergency or urgent support.
We are the ideal infertility clinic for every couple who has waited a long time to achieve their dream of being blessed with a healthy and happy baby.
In Vitro-Fertilization (IVF)
IVF is the process of external fertilization in the laboratory as eggs are retrieved from the wife at maturity, and injected with the sample of the husband's sperm in the IVF laboratory then left in culture media in an incubator over night to fertilize. The fertilized eggs are then allowed to cleave to create embryos. After they develop into embryos
1. Initial evaluation by the infertility consultant
Both partners are evaluated with regard to medical history and infertility assessment, which includes blood tests, hormone levels to determine ovarian reserve and semen analysis in the male partner.
2. Commencement of the treatment
Treatment is started according to specialized protocols tailored for optimum results on a specified day of the menstrual cycle . The medications are given to stimulate the ovaries to produce several eggs because some eggs might not develop enough to fertilize. During this stimulation treatment, the injections have to be taken approximately at the same time every day. The patient will be monitored at regular intervals with transvaginal ultrasound to check the ovaries, and a few blood samples will be taken to check the hormonal levels. In a very few cases, if the progress is poor, then a joint decision is taken with the patient to cancel the cycle.
3. Egg Retrieval Procedure (Ovum Pick-up)
Matured eggs are removed from the ovaries under a minor surgical procedure under general anesthesia to reduce pain and discomfort. This takes about 15 minutes, and the patient is rested for 2-3 hours, after which she can go home. Occasionally, some patients may have some vaginal spotting and a little abdominal discomfort, which settles in a day or two.
4. Insemination and Fertilization
A fresh semen sample is collected from the male partner on the day of egg collection (ovum pick-up) and prepared in the lab. For insemination, the eggs and sperm are mixed together in a controlled environment. The next day, the eggs are examined in the lab for their fertilization and their further development into embryos. When more than three embryos develop, they can be frozen and transferred later.
5. Embryo transfer
This is performed after 2–5 days of egg collection. This procedure is carried out by transferring the embryo through the cervix into the uterus via a thin, soft plastic tube guided by sonography. After the transfer, the patients are given a course of medication to support the embryo transfer. Recommendation: The most common reason for IVF failure is chromosomal abnormalities in the embryos. Around 70% of embryos are usually lost before birth for this single reason. The technology of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis offers genetic testing of an embryo prior to implantation. It is used in conjunction with IVF and allows only those embryos diagnosed as being free of a specific genetic disorder to be transferred into a woman to try to achieve a pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.
Confirmation of Pregnancy test
This test is done after two weeks of embryo transfer to confirm the successful pregnancy. If the test is positive more than a week later, a vaginal ultrasound scan will be performed to confirm the pregnancy and view the gestational sac.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
This involves the preparation of a semen sample by the husband. This method is used in cases of slight weakness or lack of sperm. This method is also used in the case of inability to carry out a healthy and regular marital relationship. This method can also be used in cases of unexplained delayed pregnancy and involves injection of the prepared sample into the uterine cavity of the wife using a very thin tube at around the time of ovulation. This can be carried out with or without stimulation of the ovaries. The procedure is simple and is not painful.
Reasons for Sperm freezing
Sperm cryopreservation or sperm freezing’s main aim is to preserve fertility this can be useful in the following cases
1. treated with medication
Male is being treated with medication that can affect fertility like chemo or radiation therapy and still hopes to start or expand his family in the future. Having low or Decreasing sperm count numbers over time; here your doctor could advice you to do sperm cryopreserving/sperm freezing several times so that if your sperm count ever reaches zero you would have preserved a good chance to still father children in the future.
A couple undergoing Assisted Reproductive technology like IUI/IVF or ICSI could consider doing semen freezing in case the male partner travels or gets nervous on the day of the procedure and isn’t able to produce a sample for sperm cryopreservation (sperm freezing).
Sperm cryopreservation/sperm freezing signing off a consent form that allows the female partner to use the male partners frozen sperm in his absence is a requirement for patients that will undergo IVF or ICSI so that no unforeseen circumstances could stop the female partner from going through with her IVF/ICSI cycle on the day of ovum pickup.
Some medics advice to do sperm freezing between the ages of 35-45 due to its quality decreasing in most men after the age of 45.
Genetic Testing & Gender Selection
Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) genetically tests the embryo for the presence of two X chromosomes (female) or one X and one Y chromosome (male). With PGS, the embryos are analyzed with almost 100% accuracy.
Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is Fertility Center that can put patients at ease regarding the health of their embryo(s) in addition to their chances for a successful pregnancy with In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Each type of genetic screening is used prior to the embryo transfer procedure in order to help ensure a healthy embryo that is free of abnormalities. These tests identify anomalies in the embryo that might affect implantation, detect serious genetic conditions like Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis, and even allow parents to choose the sex of their baby should they wish to do so.
Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (CCS)
CCS allows doctors to choose the healthiest embryo from a group of embryos, helping to reduce some of the most common risks associated with IVF. CCS also helps to reduce the likelihood of multiple births because doctors are more confident in the health of the embryos, and do not need to transfer additional embryos to compensate.
Gender Selection
Gender selection is a medical technique that allows parents to choose the sex of their offspring. There are two methods used to help determine gender, and in these procedures only embryos with the desired sex are implanted into the woman’s uterus.
Why use gender selection?
Sometimes couples use gender selection to help prevent serious genetic diseases and chromosomal disorders that are gender-specific. For example, sex-linked diseases like muscular dystrophy and hemophilia that are inherited via the mother will only affect male offspring. In addition, conditions like Fragile X or autism often present more severely in one gender than in the other. Other times, prospective parents turn to sex selection when they have a strong desire to complete or “balance” their family according to their own personal plans. There are also cases where a couple feels a psychological need to have a child of a certain gender, either because they feel better equipped to raise a child of that gender or because they lost a child previously.
Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is Fertility Center that can put patients at ease regarding the health of their embryo(s) in addition to their chances for a successful pregnancy with In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Each type of genetic screening is used prior to the embryo transfer procedure in order to help ensure a healthy embryo that is free of abnormalities. These tests identify anomalies in the embryo that might affect implantation, detect serious genetic conditions like Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis, and even allow parents to choose the sex of their baby should they wish to do so.
Egg Freezing /Fertility Preservation
Oocyte cryopreservation, or egg freezing, is a relatively new procedure in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. Overall, this technology increases a woman's potential to have children later in life. Since the first successful pregnancy using egg freezing was reported in 1986, hundreds of babies have been born. Currently, pregnancy rates are between 30 and 40 percent.
Fertility Preservation
- You start Initial consultation with preliminary fertility testing –FSH level on 3rd day of period, ultrasound, infectious disease testing. - 2nd treatment appointment, ultrasound and medication review Begin taking medications Treatment visits for ultrasound review and blood tests (usually 5 in total over a period of two weeks) - Egg retrieval – outpatient procedure with anesthesia
1- Egg Freezing
Allows a woman to preserve her fertility until she is ready to start her family. This option is available to women who are diagnosed with cancer or other illness that may affect their fertility. It is also an option for healthy women who wish to delay attempting to achieve pregnancy until later, knowing that as we age our fertility function decreases. During an egg-freezing cycle, a patient will go through many of the same steps that are involved in a typical IVF cycle: ovulation stimulation, ultrasound monitoring, and egg retrieval. After egg retrieval, the eggs will be cultured for a few hours and then frozen the same day for future use.
Our team will help guide you through the process, and help you to evaluate if this is the right option for you. An outline of the process can help you see that it is a fairly easy process and can be coordinated with your schedule so that it does not impact your other obligations.
2- Embryo Freezing
An alternative option in fertility preservation is embryo freezing. Although egg freezing success rates are improving, we see higher success rates with embryo cryopreservation. Once the eggs are retrieved, the mature eggs are fertilized with either partner sperm. These high quality embryos remain frozen until the patient is ready to use them.
Laser Assisted Hatching
Laser-assisted hatching is an advanced technology used along with IVF treatment to increase the rate of successful implantation of the embryo.
Infertility Treatment
What is Laser Hatching
Laser-assisted hatching is a scientific IVF technique that can make it easier for the embryo to “hatch” or breakthrough its outer layer or “shell” (a membrane also known as the zona pellucida) by creating an opening. In some situations, this layer is abnormally thick and/or hardened with the freezing and thawing process among the contributing factors. The less difficulty the embryo has in hatching, the better its chance of attaching or implanting into the wall of the uterus. Pregnancy cannot occur unless the embryo hatches and implants, and laser-assisted hatching can play a key role in achieving these crucial steps.
Treatment procedure
The procedure involves an embryologist sending a brief, strong light beam, under a microscope, to create a gap in the shell through which the embryo can come out. This is usually done three days after fertilisation has occurred during an IVF or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) cycle, which is when the embryo has begun to cleave (divide). It takes only a few seconds and does not harm the embryo. The embryo is then transferred back into the patient’s uterus to attach itself to the lining and continue growing.
Who is assisted hatching recommended for?
Any patient can take advantage of laser-assisted hatching, but those most likely to be best suited are those who: Are above the age of 37 Produce a high level of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) early in their cycle Have had unsuccessful IVF cycles Have a tendency to produce a harder and/or thicker zona pellucida
Advantages of laser-assisted hatching?
A laser has been shown to be superior to other forms of assisted hatching (chemical and manual) thanks to several advantages: - Minimal handling of the embryo. - Fast and exact control over drilling of the shell opening. - It is gentle and safe, with no negative effects on the embryo. - Wide availability to patients, and offered under clinical guidance depending on your particular circumstances.