August 2022

Thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders

Accordingly of the more common in women than men, and given the importance of this gland and its role in regulating the menstrual cycle in women and in the occurrence of ovulation and thus the occurrence of pregnancy, any deficiency or defect in the secretion of hormones of this gland may cause a delay in the menstrual cycle and its irregularity and thus delay pregnancy and childbearing .

Also in Pregnancy

Also the second most common endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age, and when untreated during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, placental abruption, hypertensive disorders, and growth restriction. Current guidelines recommend targeted screening of women at high risk, including those with a history of disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, or other autoimmune disease; current or past use  or a family history of autoimmune.


Basically appropriate management results in improved outcomes, demonstrating the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment. In women with hypothyroidism, levothyroxine is titrated to achieve a goal serum stimulating hormone level less than 2.5 mIU per L. The preferred treatment  is antithyroid medications, with a goal of maintaining a serum free thyroxine level in the upper one-third of the normal range.

 Also Postpartum is the most common form of postpartum dysfunction and may present as hyper. Symptomatic treatment is recommended for the former; levothyroxine is indicated for the latter in women who are symptomatic, breastfeeding, or who wish to become pregnant.

The Second diabetes mellitus as the most common endocrinopathy that occurs in women during their reproductive years.
Firstly Symptoms  often mimic common symptoms of pregnancy, making it challenging to identify. Poorly controlled is associated with adverse outcomes during pregnancy, and treatment is an essential part of prenatal care to ensure maternal and fetal well-being.

Generally On the other hand, hypothyroidism may also affect the safety of pregnancy and the health of the fetus, such as miscarriage, premature birth, affecting the mental development of the fetus and high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Symptoms during pregnancy…

For example

1️⃣ Feeling tired – coldness of the body.
2️⃣ Swelling in the face – weight gain.
3️⃣ slow heart rate – muscle cramps

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Prof. Haiytham Al-Tehewy

Fem Clinic
Heliopolis: 94 El Merghany Street in front of the Girls College metro station
Fifth Settlement: Clinic 215, second floor, HCC building, behind the Air Hospital – New Cairo
For inquiries and reservations 📲 00201274777359


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An ultrasound can provider evaluate your baby's growth

An ultrasound to evaluate your baby’s growth

An ultrasound to evaluate your baby's growth

What is the ultrasound?

An ultrasound can provider evaluate your baby’s growth.  An ultrasound is an imaging technique that uses sound waves to produce images of the fetus inside the womb. And can help your health care provider evaluate your baby’s growth and development and monitor your pregnancy. In some cases, a fetal ultrasound is used to evaluate potential problems or help confirm a diagnosis.

Why is a fetal ultrasound important during pregnancy?

 An ultrasound to evaluate your baby’s growth ,It is one of the few ways your pregnancy care provider can see and hear your baby. It can help them determine how far along you are in pregnancy, if your baby is growing properly or if there are any potential problems with the pregnancy. its may occur at any time in pregnancy depending on what your provider is looking for.

What can be detected in a pregnancy ultrasound?

Generally prenatal ultrasound does two things:

  • Evaluates the overall health, growth and development of the fetus.
  • Detects certain complications and medical conditions related to pregnancy.

In most pregnancies, ultrasounds are positive experiences and pregnancy care providers don’t find any problems. However, there are times this isn’t the case and your provider detects birth disorders or other problems with the pregnancy.

Also Reasons why your provider performs a prenatal ultrasound are to:

  • Confirm you’re pregnant.
  • Check for ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, miscarriage or other early pregnancy complications.
  • Determine your baby’s gestational age and due date.
  • Check your baby’s growth, movement and heart rate.
  • Look for multiple babies (twins, triplets or more).
  • Examine your pelvic organs like your uterus, ovaries and cervix.
  • Examine how much amniotic fluid you have.
  • Check the location of the placenta.
  • Check your baby’s position in your uterus.
  • Detect problems with your baby’s organs, muscles or bones.
Why is a fetal ultrasound important during pregnancy?

Also an important tool to help providers screen for congenital conditions (conditions your baby is born with). A screening is a type of test that determines if your baby is more likely to have a specific health condition. Your provider also uses ultrasound to guide the needle during certain diagnostic procedures in pregnancy like amniocentesis or CVS (chorionic villus sampling).

at the present time part of a biophysical profile (BPP), a test that combines ultrasound with a nonstress test to evaluate if your baby is getting enough oxygen.

Prof. Haitham Al-Tahwi ⬅️ Fem Clinic
Heliopolis: 94 El Merghany Street in front of the Girls College metro station
Fifth Settlement: Clinic 215, second floor, HCC building, behind the Air Hospital – New Cairo
For inquiries and reservations 📲 00201274777359

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glucose tolerance الجلوكوز أثناء الحمل​

Glucose tolerance during Pregnancy

Glucose tolerance during Pregnancy


Glucose tolerance during Pregnancy ,The glucose challenge test, also called the one-hour glucose tolerance test, measures the body’s response to sugar, called glucose. The glucose challenge test is done during pregnancy. The purpose of this test is to check for diabetes that develops during pregnancy. That condition is called gestational diabetes.


The test is done in two steps. The first is drinking a sugary drink. One hour later, blood sugar is measured. The results show whether gestational diabetes might be present.

If the test results fall outside the standard range, more testing may be needed to diagnose gestational diabetes.

Why it's done

The glucose challenge test is used to check for gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

People at average risk of gestational diabetes usually have this test done during the second trimester, generally between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Why it's done

People at high risk of gestational diabetes might have this test done earlier than 24 to 28 weeks. Risk factors may include:

  • A body mass index of 30 or higher.
  • A lack of physical activity.
  • Gestational diabetes in an earlier pregnancy.
  • A medical condition linked to getting diabetes, such as metabolic syndrome or polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Being 35 or older during pregnancy.
  • Diabetes in a blood relative.
  • Having had a baby in an earlier pregnancy who weighed more than 4.1 kilograms at birth
The test is done in two steps

 The first is drinking a sugary drink. One hour later, blood sugar is measured. The results show whether gestational diabetes might be present.

If the test results fall outside the standard range, more testing may be needed to diagnose gestational diabetes.

In glucose tolerance (glucose tolerance), true diabetes appears or is first diagnosed during pregnancy.
Symptoms of gestational diabetes:
1- Excessively thirsty.
2-Hunger than usual.
3- Needing to urinate more often
Prof. Haitham Al-Tahwi
FEM Clinic Center

Find us

Heliopolis: 94 El Merghany Street, in front of the Girls College metro station
Fifth Settlement: Clinic 215, second floor, HCC building, behind the Air Hospital – New Cairo
For inquiries and reservations:  00201274777359

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Amniotic fluid test اختبار السائل الأمنيوسي

Amniotic fluid test

Amniotic fluid test

It is done to remove amniotic fluid and cells from the uterus for testing or treatment. Amniotic fluid surrounds and protects a baby during pregnancy. Its can provide useful information about a baby’s health. But it’s important to know the risks of test — and be prepared for the results

Amniotic fluid test Why it's done

Also  this test  can be done for a number of reasons:

  • Genetic testing. however Genetic test involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid and testing the DNA from the cells for diagnosis of certain conditions, such as Down syndrome. This might follow another screening test that showed a high risk of the condition.
  • Diagnosis of fetal infection. Occasionally, it is used to look for infection or other illness in the baby.
  • Treatment. it might be done to drain amniotic fluid from the uterus if too much has built up — a condition called polyhydramnios.
  • Fetal lung testing. If delivery is planned sooner than 39 weeks, amniotic fluid might be tested to help find out whether a baby’s lungs are mature enough for birth. This is rarely done.

Genetic amniocentesis

Generally reasons to consider test include:

  • Having positive results from a prenatal screening test. If the results of a screening test — such as the first-trimester screen or prenatal cell-free DNA screening — show high risk or are worrisome, amniocentesis might confirm or rule out a diagnosis.
  • Having an earlier pregnancy affected by a genetic condition. A health care provider might suggest amniocentesis to look for that condition.
  • Being 35 or older. Babies born to people 35 and older have a higher risk of chromosomal conditions, such as Down syndrome. A health care provider might suggest test to rule out these conditions if prenatal cell-free DNA screening is positive.
  • Having a family history of a genetic condition, or if the parents are carriers of a genetic condition. Besides identifying Down syndrome, amniocentesis can be used to diagnose other genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis.
  • lastly Having unusual ultrasound findings. A health care provider might recommend amniocentesis to diagnose or rule out genetic conditions associated with unusual ultrasound findings.

however It is the passage of a needle that pulls out, an eye, for prenatal diagnosis, chromosomal abnormalities and fetal injury, as well as a sex indication. Being the DNA of the fetus.

Prof. Haitham Al-Tahwi Fam Clinic Center
Heliopolis: 94 El Merghany Street, in front of the Girls College metro station
Fifth Settlement: Clinic 215, second floor, HCC building, behind the Air Hospital – New Cairo
For inquiries and reservations 00201274777359

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The difference in the blood type between negative and positive for both spouses in pregnancy اختلاف فصيلة الدم بين سلبي وإيجابي في الحمل

The difference in the blood type between negative and positive for both spouses in pregnancy

True or false

The difference in the blood type between negative and positive for both spouses in pregnancy and the cause of pregnancy and the cause or pregnancy and the reason, put it in their bodies, and return them.

Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy

Problems can occur when the mother is Rh- and the baby is Rh+. This mismatch in blood type is often referred to as Rh incompatibility

This mismatch doesn’t cause any problems for the first pregnancy. But it can lead to problems in later pregnancies.

During birth, the blood of mother and baby will mix. In a mom that is Rh-, her immune system won’t recognize the Rh+ in the baby’s blood. The mom’s immune system will think these definitely don’t belong – her own blood cells don’t have Rh!

Later after birth, the Rh- mom’s immune system will create antibodies that will attack any Rh+ blood they see in the future. It takes some time for the mom to make these antibodies, so these antibodies are not usually an issue during the first pregnancy. 

But in future pregnancies, if the mom’s immune system sees any Rh proteins, they are treated like foreign invaders! It will attack any Rh+ blood cells, even those of the mom’s own unborn baby. This is referred to as Rh disease of the newborn.

Incompatibility in Pregnancy

In situations where a mother has Type O blood, and the baby has A, B, or AB blood, the mother’s immune system will recognize the baby’s blood as foreign. The mother’s immune system will then create special antibodies that attack the ABO group of the baby’s blood cells, just like in Rh incompatibility. 

But these antibodies are different than the antibodies that attack the Rh proteins!  

A baby receives one gene from the father and one from the mother. More specifically, consider the following:


finally The difference in the blood type between negative and positive for both spouses in pregnancy and the cause of pregnancy and the


It’s always important to see a doctor before having a baby! Even in cases where blood group incompatibility is a problem, a doctor can help you to figure out the best plan forward to keep you and your baby happy and healthy. 

Fam Clinic Center
Heliopolis: 94 El Merghany Street, in front of the Girls College metro station
Fifth Settlement: Clinic 215, second floor, HCC building, behind the Air Hospital – New Cairo
For inquiries and reservations  00201274777359
#Haitham_Al-Bahawi #Pregnancy #Birth #ICSI #Women’s Health #Breastfeeding #Uterine #Men Infertility # IVF # IVF # Abortion # Good Morning # UAE # Jordan # Misurata

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drinking water after شرب الماء بعد الولادة القيصريةcaesarean

drinking water after cesarean section

Drinking water after cesarean section

True or false

drinking water after caesarean

Is it a common misconception that drinking water after caesarean section leads to sagging abdomen or harms the mother’s health?

Drinking Water is not prohibited after C-section

However, drinking water or any fluids is delayed right after CS because you are expected to lie down flat on the bed at least eight hours after the operation to avoid post anesthesia side effect of a spinal headache.

With this, since you are in supine and you just got an operation, your bowels are not yet fully functioning.

If you drink water lying down, you might aspirate it towards your lungs and you will have a difficulty of breathing. If you take it within eight hours and you raise your head to drink it, you may experience a spinal headache plus you will experience vomiting and possibly abdominal pain because your intestines are not yet ready to take it in.

You may try to sip out water with wet cotton just so to wet your lips and quench a little desire to drink.

Benefits of water after cesarean section

There are many myths about drinking water after a cesarean section, as some women fear drinking water after giving birth so that the mother does not get puerperal fever, and so that the first period after childbirth goes well. Therefore, women often wonder about this matter, even though it is devoid of truth.

Water after cesarean section is as follows:

There are many myths about drinking water after a cesarean section, as some women are afraid of doing so after giving birth so that the mother does not get puerperal fever, and so that the first period of postpartum will pass well. Therefore, women often ask about this matter even though it is devoid of truth.

Water after cesarean section is as follows:

1 – Drinking water contributes to enhancing and regulating bowel movement and fighting constipation.
2 – It helps after a cesarean section to hydrate the body and protect it from dehydration.
3 – After a cesarean section, the mother achieves a rapid recovery.
4 – It speeds up metabolism and increases the burning rate, and therefore weight decreases.
5- It makes the mother active and energetic

5th Settlement Clinic


Heliopolis - 94 El Merghany St., Cairo, Egypt

Heliopolis Clinic


Fifth Settlement - HCC Building behind the Air Hospital - Clinic 215 Cairo , Egypt

For inquiries and reservations  00201274777359

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أنواع المشيمة المنزاحةTypes Of Placenta Previa

Types of placenta previa

أنواع المشيمة المنزاحةTypes Of Placenta Previa

Types of placenta previa:
1️⃣ Total: When the placenta is completely cervical.
2️⃣ Upper part of the uterus.
3️⃣ Marginal: When the placenta terminates from the cervix, about 2 cm from the internal orifice of the cervix.


Signs and symptoms

Women with placenta previa often present with painless, bright red vaginal bleeding. This commonly occurs around 32 weeks of gestation, but can be as early as late mid-trimester.[8] More than half of women affected by placenta praevia (51.6%) have bleeding before delivery.[9] This bleeding often starts mildly and may increase as the area of placental separation increases. Placenta praevia should be suspected if there is bleeding after 24 weeks of gestation. Bleeding after delivery occurs in about 22% of those affected.[2]

Women may also present as a case of failure of engagement of fetal head.[10]

BC-PlacentaPrevia أنواع المشيمة المنزاحة


The exact cause of placenta previa is unknown. It is hypothesized to be related to abnormal vascularisation of the endometrium caused by scarring or atrophy from previous trauma, surgery, or infection. These factors may reduce differential growth of lower segment, resulting in less upward shift in placental position as pregnancy advances

BC-PlacentaPrevia أنواع المشيمة المنزاحة

Risk factors

The following have been identified as risk factors for placenta previa:

  • Previous placenta previa (recurrence rate 4–8%), caesarean delivery, myomectomy or endometrium damage caused by D&C.
  • Women who are younger than 20 are at higher risk and women older than 35 are at increasing risk as they get older.
  • Women who have had previous pregnancies (multiparity), especially a large number of closely spaced pregnancies, are at higher risk due to uterine damage.
  • Smoking during pregnancy; cocaine use during pregnancy
  • Women with a large placentae from twins or erythroblastosis are at higher risk.
  • Race is a controversial risk factor, with some studies finding that people from Asia and Africa are at higher risk and others finding no difference.
  • Placental pathology (velamentous insertion, succenturiate lobes, bipartite i.e. bilobed placenta etc.)
  • Baby is in an unusual position: breech (buttocks first) or transverse (lying horizontally across the womb).

Placenta previa is itself a risk factor of placenta accreta. Alcohol use during pregnancy was previously listed as a risk factor, but is discredited by this article.

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5th Settlement Clinic


Heliopolis - 94 El Merghany St., Cairo, Egypt

Heliopolis Clinic


Fifth Settlement - HCC Building behind the Air Hospital - Clinic 215 Cairo , Egypt

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